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Post: Feds unveil proposal to ease restrictions on marijuana

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Feds unveil proposal to ease restrictions on marijuana

FILE PHOTO: A woman holds marijuana for sale at the MedMen store in West Hollywood, California, Jan. 2, 2018. WASHINGTON – The U.S. Justice Department on Thursday unveiled a historic proposal to ease restrictions on marijuana, a rule that if enacted would also enable more research on its medicinal benefits.

The proposal, first announced in April, would reclassify cannabis from a so-called schedule one drug to a schedule three. Schedule one drugs, such as heroin, are considered highly addictive with no medical benefits, while schedule three drugs are considered to have a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. Trump’s lawyers cite Michael Cohen’s insults to undercut his credibility GOP lawmakers Gaetz, Boebert back Trump at Manhattan hush money trial NY man charged with stealing more than $13K in products from Nashua beauty store Plaistow auto dealership owner facing several charges Vandals deface Thompson Hall with ‘UNH funds genocide’ graffiti

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