According to Colorado medical marijuana caregivers a cannabis caregiver is a registered individual, an intermediary who is designated to supply medical cannabis to a patient for medical purposes. Caregivers cannot be a physician and ensure the patient(beneficiary) has a doctors recommendation. Caregivers are designated by the patient. The patient selects their sole caregiver, this relationship is important. Caregivers need to be trusted and educate themselves on the benefits and ramifications of medical cannabis. Knowledge of different symptoms and medical conditions that effect their patients. Caregivers can transport patients to access medical marijuana if patients are unable to drive. Each state has different laws regulating medical marijuana caregivers.
Under Colorado state law A medical marijuana caregiver is an individual that resides in Colorado and is 18 years old, Not licensed as a patients physician, or licensed as a medical marijuana business. The caregiver is designated as a patients primary caregiver. A patient can only have one primary caregiver at a time. A primary caregiver can be listed on the Colorado medical registry with no more than 5 patients. Caregivers must renew their registration annually with the Colorado state registry. There are 4 distinct types of designated caregivers under Colorado statute 25.1.5-106.
Advising: Advises marijuana patients on the medicinal use and consumption of all marijuana products. Sativa, Indica, patches, gummies, oils, edibles, vape pens, lotions, etc.
Cultivating: Cultivates and grows medical marijuana on a patients behalf. Caregivers cannot consume a patients medical marijuana.
Transporting: Transports medical marijuana for minors or homebound patients to/from dispensaries.
Parents of a minor: Supervisors, regulates, and maintains marijuana for a patient under 18 years old(minor).
Transporting and cultivating caregivers are required to register at medical marijuana Colorado.
The registered number of Colorado medical marijuana patients fluctuates month to month. In July 2023 there was approximately 70,533 registered patients. The largest age group was 31 to 40 with 17,290 patients, Followed by 21-30 year old patients which number 13,520. With 12,622 patients between 41-50 yrs old.
There are numerous qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient. Which includes but not limited to: Nausea, chronic pain, Cancer, AIDS, PTSD, Autism, Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Chronic nervous disorders or any condition a licensed physician could prescribe an opioid prescription. Marijuana patients are allowed up two ounces of useable marijuana. Primary caregivers and patients may grow no more than 12 plants. However this limit can be raised depending on the state, residence, and local licensing authority. Marijuana plants must be kept indoors in an enclosed locked area that minors cannot access. Homegrown plants cannot be sold to anyone, only state licensed marijuana business can sell/retail marijuana.
Pediatric medical marijuana for children has not been studied in depth. Research has shown marijuana can be beneficial for children with Epilepsy seizures. Using marijuana during pregnancy can effect the future development and be harmful to your newborn. Studies suggest marijuana can be passed to newborns through breast milk, THC can effect a newborns memory attention, behavior, and cognitive skills. development. This area of research is still developing.
Between 2016-2017 Seven(7%) of pregnant mothers in the United States reported using marijuana in the last 30 days. Second hand marijuana smoke contains toxins and chemicals. THC the active cannabinoid in marijuana can also be passed to newborns through second hand smoke. Research indicates approximately 50% of parents were asked about their child’s second hand smoke exposure by their pediatrician.(Winickoff 2003) Therefore many organizations resort to stating the negative consequences regarding second hand smoke and have created supporting internal policies.
In 2019 CU Anschutz Medical Campus researchers at the school of medicine found women use marijuana prior to knowing they are pregnant. Pregnant mothers continue to use marijuana for depression, anxiety, mourning sickness as a natural prescription drug. In this 4 year old study CU researchers found that an essential micronutrient CHOLINE can prevent fetal brain development when mothers consume marijuana while they are pregnant. In a CU Anschutz study of 201 pregnant mothers 15% used marijuana prior to 10 weeks and after 10 weeks of gestation. Pregnant mothers who used marijuana after 10 weeks their infants had lower regulation scores at 3 months of age. Decreased infant brain inhabitation. This 2019 CU Anschutz study identified the impact marijuana has on gestation period fetal brain development that can occur as early as the first trimester. Earlier than anticipated or previously believed.
The CU Anschutz Children’s Hospital will not prescribe or RECOMMEND MEDICAL MARIJUANA. However CU Anschutz children’s hospital has created a so called “revolutionary’ medical marijuana consultation team if parents have questions concerning pediatric marijuana. Referrals include consultation with a pharmacist and social workers? In a July 2020 research article in pediatric journal fifty patients were seen by the CU “consultation” team. Eighty percent were diagnosed with cancer and were interested in discussing marijuana use for seizures, pain, appetite stimulation, vomiting, and nausea. Sixty four (64%) of pediatric patients marijuana was found to be unsafe due to interactions with other current prescription medications. Pregnant patients were consuming marijuana prior to any CU consultation without any physician oversight. Patients are hesitant to discuss marijuana with their physician. Without a full medical analysis advantages and disadvantages of marijuana, parents consult a cannabis caregiver or the internet for outside research and unbias medical consultation.
Recently CU Anschutz was awarded research funds to study pediatric marijuana in breast milk THC execretion and duration period. Additional research includes Delta 9 THC concentrations in breast milk. Seeking possible toxicity levels for pregnant mothers and their newborn infants. Other research includes: oncology research for radiation and chemotherapy. Inflammatory bowel disease, brain and spine tumors, epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).
It is preferred option for caregivers and patients to explore the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis prior to the medicine of last resort. In 2023 the total US tax revenue from marijuana exceeded 15 billion dollars annually. By contrast CU Anschutz 2022 annual research budget was less than 700 million dollars. Less than 5% of the total US annual tax revenue collected from marijuana. Therefore we can expect marginal limited progressive research, artificial intelligence database implementation, cutting edge synthetic cannabinoid on medical marijuana from this so called derelict 3 hospital research complex.
Outside the isolated CU Anschutz community there is significant marijuana research and patient improvement occurring as demonstrated by the blog. In 2022 Senate bill 311 aka Ryan’s Law. California’s hospitals are now required to allow patients with terminal illness to access their personal cannabis therapy. After doctors identify patients who meet the criteria and will benefit from marijuana, patients supply their own marijuana in a private lock box stored at the hospitals pharmacy. In a recent UCLA oncology nurse survey patients were using cannabis in their home. Then came to the hospital, previously were not allowed to consume marijuana. Patients were now not under similar medical circumstances. Survey results demonstrated that cannabis can help with chronic pain, specifically cancer related. Also Facilitating patients with anxiety and insomnia the most. (The exact opposite approach than the dysfunctional CU Anschutz medical campus) (Talk is cheap)
Ryan’s law has opened parents eyes using medical marijuana instead of opioids or similar products that have adverse side effects. Cannabis has proven that it helps with chemotherapy induced nausea, anorexia, and Epilepsy. Numerous parents, patients, are curious about medical marijuana and wish to have unbiased, intelligent proactive current research concerning their cannabis consumption. (habits) These conversations can take place with your sole designated cannabis caregiver, physician, or cannabis registered nurse.
With NO medical marijuana prescription issued from CU Anschutz Hospitals for minors who have autism, epilepsy, cancer or other life threatening illness. Once again as we look outside this archaic awkward CU campus for leadership, research, and implementation. Several states: California, Florida, Illinois, Washington, Colorado (SB21-56) and several other states have passed state laws that allow a minor’s caregiver, parent to administer approved forms of marijuana to their child. Approved forms of marijuana are: Edibles, lotions or oils, which can be absorbed quickly, no smokable cannabis can be consumed by a minor. In Colorado the minor’s caregiver/parent supplies the cannabis to the designated school personal who secures the cannabis on site for the entire school day. The minor shall not handle the cannabis on school grounds, school bus, or any type of school sponsored event. All minors must have seen two separate providers and submit two written physician certifications to receive a medical marijuana card.
Autism effects 1 in 44 children with social problems and decreased social communication. In a New Jersey children’s hospital caregivers of children between the ages of 5-10 years old were recruited resulting in pool of 4385 surveys sent out with 568 responses received. The majority of minor caregivers were not familiar with cannabis. Only 7.2% of caregivers had experience providing minors with medical cannabis, with all information researched independently on the internet. Over 80% of survey participants were willing to try medical cannabis for their minor with autism to help with hyperactivity, anxiety, and focusing, Using cannabis as a natural alternative treatment for autism.
What this independent research suggests is that there is desire and eagerness for caregivers to use cannabis to help children with autism. This research study illustrates that caregivers and parents are interested in the impact of natural cannabis on autism and behaviors of autistic children for their minors autism. But of course there is minimal research at the CU Anschutz medical campus concerning cannabis that effects minors. The focus is on any research that pays CU Anschutz increasing bond debt. Parents of autism children will receive a “discussion” with a “social” worker instead of a natural remedy that over 80% of autism children’s parents/caregivers are interested in receiving.( A CU Anschutz policy that is in direct conflict the exact opposite of what autism parents are seeking medical information on) Therefore concerned parents resort to a cannabis caregiver or the internet directly, completely bypassing and eliminating the ineffective CU Anschutz research hospitals. As CU Anschutz continually for decades fails to provide the medical services that Colorado community’s require, need, and desire. Under two separate failed presidents (Benson, Kennedy). Focusing on unknown internal priorates of the CU Anschutz hospital, not the Colorado community. However CU Anschutz has no problem squandering billions of dollars of Colorado/national taxpayer funds, without any accountability? Continually emitting false rhetoric to the Colorado community to justify its awkward position in the Colorado medical community. A national embarrassment for the Centennial state taxpayers. This is just one of many reasons why the CU Anschutz medical campus should have their 501(c)(3) non profit status revoked.
Consistently for years, CU Anschutz research scientists complain it is very difficult to obtain US government authorization for cannabis because it is classified as a schedule 1 drug. With the DEA requiring government restrictions and complex requirements to implement clinical trials for cannabis at the CU Anschutz medical campus. With the repeated statement the US government only allows cannabis to be supplied by seven separate suppliers (NIH)
According to CU Anschutz the DEA is changing this to allow more manufactures to provide different strains of Cannabis for clinical research. Apparently CU Anschutz has a current cannabis research facility located in the Health and Sciences building. Offering a security camera, security locks, secure storage units, freezers and cabinets located in a HEPA filtered ventilation system to eliminate odors. This expansion is a game changer that could speed progress in this emerging field(Cannabis). According to CU Anschutz scientists.

Cannabis is currently a DEA schedule 1 drug for decades. (IE: Nancy Regan just say no) Translation: CU Anschutz VA hospital cannot recommend or prescribe marijuana, will not pay or fill marijuana prescriptions, CU Anschutz VA hospital can only prescribe medications that have been approved by the FDA. CU Anschutz VA hospital will not approve any paperwork for US veterans to participate in any type of individual state marijuana program. This approach leads veterans to feel concerned if they release any type of cannabis consumption habit they will loose their hard earned benefits. Which is understandable considering the current piecemeal US national approach to cannabis.
However in a University of Texas national trends veteran marijuana study from 2013-2019. There was a sharp increase in marijuana use among veterans. Over twelve percent(12%) of veterans in 2019 reported consuming marijuana up from 8% in 2013. ( Ten years ago latest data). There was no increase in self reported medical cannabis Indicating that increased cannabis consumption among national US veterans is “recreational” marijuana. Therefore veterans are increasingly consuming recreational cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Unregulated without any medical consultation or advise. CU Anschutz VA hospitals are missing key veteran marijuana consultations resulting in unknown consumption habits, acquisition knowledge types, potency, and duration periods. The veteran is now self prescribing, purchasing, consuming, unquantifiable self prescribed cannabis.
The study included over 16,000 veterans over 18 years old. Using trends analysis indicates one out of 10 veterans using cannabis in the last year 2019.Compared to the 18-25 vs the 35-49 year old veterans A 56% increase. The over 50 older veterans were more likely to report using cannabis. Therefore increasingly younger veterans are consuming cannabis. The current VA does not have enough staff to provide care coordination for these PTSD veterans.( With a CU Anschutz VA hospital one billion dollars over budget)
Enter the Veteran cannabis caregiver. The unbiased intermediary the “missing link” providing critical medical marijuana customized individual consultation for a self medicating wounded veteran. Private consultation discussing, researching, and assembling an individual “cannabis chart” text, icons, descriptions a personalized veteran mosaic document. Identifying marijuana consumption habits, frequency, type, smokables, edibles, gummies, tinctures etc. Once this missing “critical mosaic” is assembled and analyzed by a knowledgeable Veteran cannabis caregiver. A personalized open and “frank” discussion will take place using the “cannabis chart”. Implementing a quantified regulated consumption frequency adoption and trial period.
Such discussions may include: Personal energy level, current mindset, cannabis type Sativa vs Indica, Active or passive. Smokables vs gummies at nighttime for relaxed sleep. Suggestions concerning frequency and different types of cannabis consumption. Potency recreational vs medical marijuana, A review of the veterans current medication (if any) possible interaction with marijuana. Using the internet for research and unbiased information. If the veteran is disable providing transportation for either the veteran or legally purchased labeled medical marijuana. Educating and starting a personalized “cannabis grow room” to show and educate the disabled veteran how to care for themselves without the use of prescribed opioids.
Marijuana THC potency can widely vary. In last 4 decades the THC potency of marijuana has increased over 10 fold. Cannabis potency can range from 1% to today over 30% and higher of some select strains. There are many different types of marijuana products. Flower, sativa or Indica, hash oil, edibles, concentrated wax tinctures, vaporizers. In concentrated forms THC potency can be up to 90% in these cannabis alternatives!
In 2009 New Mexico was the first state to list PTSD as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. Today 48 states either by state regulation or state statute specifically list PTSD as a qualifying medical condition. Two states South Dakota and Alaska are exempt. In a 2012 pilot study at the Israel Abarbanel Hospital found medical cannabis showed a reduction in PTSD symptoms. In a New Mexico PTSD study using 80 patients found greater than 75% reduction in clinical reduction in post traumatic scale . There is abundant research evidence cannabinoids facilitate elimination of adverse memories for veteran solders. In a 2020 FDA regulated MAPS study using 150 veterans with PTSD who consumed prescribed cannabis vs veterans who do not use marijuana to treat PTSD. Found that over a year period, cannabis users reported a decrease in their PTSD severity. Veterans were more than 2 times as likely to no longer meet the government criteria for PTSD. The biggest revelation of this study revealed that veterans with PTSD can consume cannabis and not experience adverse side effects. The DOD and the VA estimate that up to 30% of all veterans nationally suffer form PTSD.
Veterans are twice as likely to die from an opioid overdose compared to non veterans. The US congress has made several attempts to legalize medical marijuana for veterans. Recently the US senate has proposed a bill to allow VA hospitals to discuss medical marijuana with their veterans and prescribe marijuana to veterans within a designated state that has an established medical marijuana program. Specifically the senate bill would provide a safe harbor act for Veterans medical marijuana. Creating a 5 year pilot program oversight protection initiative, allowing veterans to discuss and establish a VA medical marijuana program. Also directing the VA to research how marijuana could help veterans mange their pain, diseases, and PTSD. Additional stipulations would include the VA to study and analyze the individual state medical marijuana programs and veterans reduced use/dependency on opioids. Another possible realistic viable action is rescheduling cannabis from schedule 1 to schedule 3 under the control substances act. (CSA). This would be done by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHHS). This would allow researchers to access cannabis for clinical trials with less red tape.
With over 5 million nurses nationwide the American Nurse Association (ANA) in October 2023 recognized cannabis nursing as a specialty nursing practice. ANA is the largest group of health professionals, requires a Cannabis nurse be educated in multiple areas above the standard nurse requirements. These areas include: Potential medication interactions with other medicines, cannabis therapeutics, cannabinoids, Terpenoids, law, advocacy and ethics. With this advanced knowledge a cannabis nurse provides oversight and care for patients who are prescribed medical cannabis.
Cannabis nurses provide the patient with a full assessment providing education about their dosage and consumption of cannabis products. Identifying and explaining to the patient about potential drug interactions and side effects. A cannabis nurse has the prerequisite knowledge to empower cannabis patients by educating them individually. The difference between recreational cannabis and medical cannabis is the ratio of THC to CBD. Recreational cannabis contains more THC. Medical marijuana has a higher CBD dose than THC due to its anti inflammatory properties.
ANA is the sole reviewing organization for specialty scope of practice and standards for specialty nursing. Pioneering and expanding the specialty of cannabis nursing. Recognizing and expanding the potential of cannabinoids to be used for therapeutic treatment for evidence based approach to pain management of diseases and symptoms. As of 2023 38 states allow medical cannabis. Ninety percent(90) of Americans poll stating recreational and medical cannabis should be legal. With 30% of Americans polling cannabis should be legal for medical use only.
In 2012 the state of Colorado legalized recreational marihuana by passing amendment (64) In 2000 54% of Colorado voters approved medical marijuana with a written medical consent. In 2015 Colorado marijuana sales were 996 million dollars generating 135 million in Colorado sales tax revenue. The CU Anschutz medical campus began construction in 2006. Six years before Colorado medical marijuana was legalized and generating billions of dollars in Colorado marijuana sales. In 2014 the Colorado Department of public health created a medical marijuana research program. Which was combined with other states legalizing marijuana.
In 2015 opiate overdoes dropped by 25% in states that had legalized marijuana, clearly publicly documenting that consumers were consuming marijuana replacing opiates. In 2013 Medicare part D saved roughly 165 million dollars from states that have legalized marijuana as consumers are using marijuana to combat anxiety and chronic pain. From 1996 to 2019 analyzing over 500 pharmaceutical companies data before and after cannabis was legalized in different states. After 20 days of legalization in a state a pharmaceutical companies stock market value dropped an average of 63 million dollars. With the total impact of market value across all pharmaceutical companies dropping just under ten (ten) billion dollars in market value.
After visualizing the documented data pharmaceutical companies took action. Purdue Pharma and Abbott spent 19 million in 2015 lobbying against marijuana as their sales of OxyContin and Vicodin precipitously dropped. Pfizer spent billions purchasing a biotech company that focus on cannabinoid therapy. The writing was on the wall for everybody to see. Consumers were replacing opioids, Vicodin for cannabis to alleviate their chronic pain. Cannabis was putting pressure on generic and brand name prescriptions. Cannabis could now become a viable therapeutic remedy for increasing competition in the US prescription markets. Cannabis could be a new generic drug, not restricted to a single use, which can be utilized across many different drug markets, thereby documenting and expanding extensive cannabis research is warranted.
Frivolously squandering billions of dollars on unabated construction of second tier research labs, so called in house research, buildings, hospitals, parking garages, underutilized taxpayer financed RTD light rail, signs, without any zero outside auditors monitoring these billion dollar financial statements.. Completely bypassing the largest consumer event taking place nationwide in more than 50 years concerning cannabis. This clearly illustrates how the CU Anschutz research campus has repeatedly failed the Colorado community once again. Cannabis consumption was rising nationwide to combat chronic pain and the CU Anschutz research campus could not see this developing nationwide trend. A complete failure in revolving leadership, research, execution, deployment of funds and strategy. An unpresented event to cement the legacy of a research complex desperately searching for an identity. A golden missed opportunity! Instead the CU Anschutz will forever be known for the James Holmes 2012 killing of 12 people and wounding 58 community citizens and Fighting with the City of Aurora to contain the word “Denver” in their name.
When you have a small mind, no vision, failed leadership, and no captain the ship sinks.(Benson, Kennedy) paid for on Colorado taxpayers backs. The sole focus of the CU Anschutz medical campus is to finance haphazard construction and pay bonds. This is accomplished by implementing any research that pays the bills. No strategy oversight, no comprehensive plan, no outside thought leadership, leaders being overpaid, leading to failed execution. For now over an entire decade of squandering scarce taxpayer funds that could have been directed to an emerging consumer shift in the nationwide marketplace. Colorado sales of Marijuana is now over 15 billion dollars since 2012. While the dysfunctional CU Anschutz entire 2022 budget is less than 3 billion dollars. A five fold increase any first grader could recognize.
The backward half assed canned response emitting from this so called world class research complex? With dysfunctional piece meal thought leadership? Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug and can only be obtained from the Federal Mississippi research grow complex(NDA). Thereby limiting access for research. Our hands are tied. We are all subject to Federal regulations due to our funding, repeatedly stated for years….
Once again we have to leave this dysfunctional alienated CU research campus and analyze what is occurring in the real world. Potential answers emerge. Between 2000 and 2018 approximately 1.5 billion was been spent on cannabis research from Canada, UK and the US. Fifty percent of the money was spent on comprehending the potential harm of cannabis and drug abuse. In 2018 alone 34 million was spent by Canada, UK and US dominating cannabinoid research. 5 years ago with 30 million dollars more spent than by CU Anschutz on cannabis research. Talk about being behind the curve…
Canopy growth purchased Spectrum Biomedical in the UK specifically to build up its therapeutic portfolio, combining Germany’s C3 to have a presence in the EU market, specifically designed due to the US cannabis so called restricted research laws. An independent non government financed entity has a potential solution to the so called hindrance while the CU Anschutz research leadership could not see across the street of Colfax avenue.
Israel is the undisputed world leader in cannabis. A global research destination with the smartest and brightest scientists in the entire world. Not one single country on earth even comes close. Israel recognized The US impediments to cannabis research and developed laws to expedite cannabis research, encompassing the highest percent of funding, properly utilizing unmatched world class talent, conducting over 100 clinical cannabis trials for foreign governments, corporations, and research partners.
With over a one million sq. ft. cannabis research grow facility and the largest R&D facilities in the world. The epicenter of cannabis research and development, growing customized cannabinoid specific strains, creating proprietary extracts, and vertically integrated consumer product lines. With worldwide proprietary patents and branding to monetized and capitalize on. Home of the recently deceased godfather of cannabis Mechoulam. With NIH funding Mechoulam’s research for the last 30 years (Decades). Co-discovering the endocannabinoid system. Resulting in over 15 world class research facilities located in Israel. Decades ahead of the CU Anschutz so called world class fragmented isolated research campus. It is hereby now warranted, preferred, and prudent to permanently remove all cannabis research from the Archaic CU Anschutz campus to Israel. Decades of previous research data, unmatched world class scientists, Ability to combine AI with 30 years of cannabis research to expedite therapeutic results that has languished and been flat out wasted on the CU Anschutz medical campus. Billions of dollars misallocated in building construction instead of proprietary cannabis research that could now benefit the entire nation of America. Saving Medicare billions of dollars annually, Helping GOP and Dems balance the budget currently with an annual 8% deficit.
The wheel was invented in Mesopotamia around 3500 BC. It took 300 years approximately 4 lifetimes to figure out to use a potters wheel under a chariot. The CU Anschutz Medical Campus is now over 10 years old and squandered over 5 billion dollars with no outside accounting verification. With the nationwide expansion of cannabis, evolving state and Federal laws, Over 34 billion dollars in just US cannabis sales The writing is on the wall. Cannabis is the biggest transition in the last several decades. Covid came and went worldwide Cannabis is here to stay.
The CU Anschutz Medical campus has no medical marijuana policy for adults, minors, elder patients, and veterans. Who cannot afford to wait 300 hundred years for the CU Anschutz campus to offer legitimate cannabis research compared to its peers, No therapeutic cannabis products, lotions, gummies, vaporizers, etc. NO Minor cannabis prescriptions when Colorado law authorizes minor’s legal right to consume cannabis. Consistent false misleading propaganda that can be refuted. CU Anschutz ranks number 26 in medical research compared to its peer group. Israel is the world leader, all potential future CU Anschutz cannabis research funding (NIH, Federal and state grants, tax deductible private donations) should be reallocated to a world leader with a 30 year proven track record. Where AI database machine learning could expedite all /some possible therapeutic products for the world market. Benefiting Medicare, veterans, minors and now the US budget deficit negotiations with a new House leader.
6 Responses
Amazing article! Thanks for this valuable information!
This is all news to us! Why was there no disclosure form Anschutz?
Yes Anschutz is years behind and has not helped the community
Thanks for this informative article!
How True! Anschutz is not a hospital that helps the community!