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Post: How High Do You Want To Fly (On Cannabis Edibles)?

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Anschutz Medical Campus

How High Do You Want To Fly (On Cannabis Edibles)?

The market for cannabis edibles is evolving into two main camps—high vs. low dose—but who should and likely does opt for which camp may surprise you.

Some of the divergence is being shaped by the industry itself.

Either you’re being marketed low 3 mg-dose seltzers as someone who may want to take the edge off after a rough day at the office followed by a chaser of family dinner, or you’re in the target demo for 100 mg gummies that will turn your brain inside out before sending you into space to frolic with (hopefully imaginary) purple pygmy goats.

Plus, there is an increased interest in treating—formally or informally—a range of maladies with cannabis. At the same time, plenty of people reach for cannabis simply to feel good.

An overwhelming majority of U.S. adults ( 88% ) want to see cannabis legalized for medical or recreational use, and most ( 57%) believe it should be legal for both, according to the Pew Research Center.

As of now, though, the FDA has only approved one cannabis-derived drug (Epidiolex) for the treatment of seizures and three synthetic cannabis-related drugs (Marinol, Syndros and Cesamet) for the treatment of anorexia and chemotherapy-associated nausea, both available by prescription from a healthcare provider.

But because cannabis remains illegal at the federal level, research into cannabis has been extremely restricted. While that may change as a proposal to reclassify cannabis as a lower-risk substance is approved, knowing how much cannabis to take (and how, and when, and how often, for what) essentially remains a black box to many consumers.

So what’s the deal? Is a 3 mg seltzer right for bringing to the party or helping you sleep? And what should you do if you want to try to address chronic pain? We reached out to producers and experts to find out more. Beginners Beware + Consider the Format

The first thing any less-experienced user should keep in mind is starting small.“Our tagline is ‘Know Your Dose,’” says Roberta Wilson, co-founder of Dr. Norm’s , an L.A.-based cannabis baked goods company that offers low- and higher-dose edibles like the fast-acting cannabis infused […]

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