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Post: How To REALLY Improve Cognitive Performance

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How To REALLY Improve Cognitive Performance

How To REALLY Improve Cognitive Performance 1 In today’s fast-paced world, we’ve become used to getting what we want quickly and easily. If you’re hungry, you don’t have to hunt or forage for food – just go to your favorite fast food chain to grab a bite to eat. And you don’t have to walk or bike there – just hop in the car or call an Uber and you’re comfortably on your way. Or if you really wanna save time, order some takeout. With one simple phone call, you can have a full meal delivered to you without ever leaving the house.

There’s no question about it: the convenience of modern living is great, but it comes at a price. We’ve gotten so used to getting what we want when we want it that we often overlook other ways to achieve our goals. Our brains are programmed to look for shortcuts – ways of getting results with the least amount of effort. However, sometimes it’s worth the extra effort to get the best possible results.

Nootropics are often used as a shortcut to improving various aspects of cognitive functioning. When people learn that they can increase their focus and motivation or reduce their anxiety by simply taking a pill, they often overlook all the other ways of improving how their brains work. And while nootropics definitely can improve cognitive performance, you’re not gonna get the most out of them unless you take care of the things in this post first.

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1 Improving Cognitive Performance

6 References/Notes

If you want to really improve cognitive performance, don’t look to nootropics – not yet, anyway. First, you need to make sure you’re doing all the things we’re going to talk about here. Every single nootropic will work better if you follow the advice in this post. Will they work if you don’t? Sure, many of them will. But they won’t work as well as they could. This is your brain, your body, and your life – You should be willing to do whatever it takes to get the most […]

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