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Post: I tried THC ice cream — and this is what I learned

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I tried THC ice cream — and this is what I learned

Dave Samson / The Forum MOORHEAD — Don’t tell my mom.

But I recently tried THC ice cream.

And I liked it.

I recently interviewed Ian Childs, the Minnesota entrepreneur and caterer behind Space Shack, a line of THC-infused vegan ice creams, sorbets and sherbets which he plans to roll out by 2025.

Inspired by Minnesota’s legalization of cannabis in 2023, Childs is following state regulations to produce small-batch frozen treats in which each serving contains 5 milligrams of THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis.

He hopes to launch Space Shacks — 21-and-older creative centers where people can perform, make art and chillax on his frozen treats — in either Moorhead or Dilworth as well as in the Twin Cities.

Ian Childs and his friends have developed a line of THC-infused vegan ice cream, sorbet and sherbet, which they hope to roll out through 21-and-older creative arts centers called Space Shacks.By Tammy Swift During our interview, Childs generously offered to give me samples of his ice cream.Hmmm, let me think. An ice cream treat that would make me mellow and happy, while also possibly curbing my chronic anxiety, lower back pain and tendency to wake up at 3:05 a.m. every single morning?With Minnesota Cheech and Chonging its smoke-filled van toward complete legalization — and North Dakota warily looking on like a nervous Principal Richard Belding — it seemed like a timely product to try.And so I took one (toked one?) for the team.The ice cream is packaged in two half-pint containers. One contained […]

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