Industrial hemp, a non-drug cannabis variety, is grown in farm fields. AndrisTkachenko via Getty Images Ingredients in Focus is Food Dive’s bite-size column highlighting interesting developments in the ingredients sector.
Plant milk company Elmhurst 1925’s launch of its new plant-based chicken substitute has shone light on the potential of hemp protein.
TerraMeat is made completely from hemp grain powder. Consumers are meant to create do-it-yourself “chicken cutlets” by combining the hemp powder with a pre-packaged spice blend, water and oil, and then cook the mixture in a microwave. Elmhurst is known for for its clean label plant-based milks and creamers. The new chicken product is the company’s first foray into the plant-based meat arena. content image Access now➔ Trendline The state of M&A in the food industry
Hemp protein, the product created from the hemp grain powder, is derived from hemp seeds, which are then pressed into a fine powder. The color, fiber content, and flavor are impacted by whether the seeds are processed with or without the hulls.
A higher hull content increases the fiber content and can give the powder a stronger flavor. Manufacturers or individuals can use the powder as an ingredient in plant-based meats, smoothies, baked goods, among other products.
The plant protein is also considered an alternative to whey or soy-based protein.
Hemp protein contains all nine essential amino acids, making it “one of the few plant-based proteins that offers a complete amino acid profile,” according to Elmhurst.
The protein also has an earthy, nutty flavor that can be strong and impact the taste profile of products.
“We chose to use [hemp] as the base for TerraMeat because it makes our cutlets tender and juicy without the need for added filler ingredients. Plus it’s highly digestible, contains super amino acids, and packed with protein and iron,” Elmhurst said.Hemp was legalized by the FDA for industrial purposes in 2018. The drought-resistant crop was historically grown for fiber. The industrial hemp comes from the same plant as marijuana but contains little to no THC.Seeds from industrial hemp contain 25-35% protein, fiber, iron, and the short chain omega-3 fatty acid ALA.The […]
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