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Post: The Dangers of AI-Generated Romance

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The Dangers of AI-Generated Romance

Key points

Since the invention of the smartphone, much of our social interactions are through online platforms.

The rewiring of childhood can cause stunted development in our capacity to form real-life relationships.

There are risks in investing too much of ourselves in virtual relationships instead of real ones.

The 2013 movie Her , starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson, tells the story of Theodore, a sensitive man who earns his living writing personal letters for others, ala Cyrano De Bergerac. After his marriage ends, Theodore becomes fascinated with a digital operating system that creates a unique entity named Samantha. She has a bright voice and a sensitive personality ; before you know it, Theodore falls in love. But that’s just fiction, right?

Unfortunately, no. Platforms generating AI girlfriends are experiencing a massive growth in popularity, with millions of users. Most of these searches are initiated by young single men drawn to AI girlfriends to combat loneliness and establish a form of companionship. These “girlfriends” are virtual companions powered by the increasingly sophisticated field of artificial intelligence .

Although artificial, their popularity stems from their ability to provide companionship, emotional support, and intimacy through voice or text-based interactions. The average age of a user is 27, but not all users are male—18% of users identify as female, so this activity transcends gender . Almost 20% of men who use traditional dating apps indicate they had AI-generated romances at some point. AI-generated dating platforms generate billions of dollars from users, with nearly half interacting with their virtual partner daily.

According to an article published in The Hill, 60% of men between 18 and 30 are single. One in five of these young men report not having a close friend.

In his best-selling book, The Anxious Generation , Jonathan Haidt argues that the invention of front-facing camera phones was the beginning of the significant rewiring of childhood . His premise is that instead of a play-based childhood, which existed for 200 million years, the phone-based childhood was created between 2010 and 2015. This means that instead of spending time outdoors interacting with friends, children, […]

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