The Top 5 Nootropic Herbs 1 People have been using natural substances for centuries to treat illnesses and to improve both physical and mental performance. One of the most common of these substances are herbs.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at the top 5 nootropic herbs – plus one honorable mention. These are all herbs that have been extensively used in traditional medicine. And modern science is starting to catch up to what healers from hundreds of years ago already knew. But before we get to our list of nootropic herbs, let’s see what an herb is, exactly.
“What is an herb? The friend of physicians and the praise of cooks.” – Alcuin of York, ~800 A.D.
Herbs are plants that have strong scents and/or tastes that are used to flavor and garnish food, to make fragrances, and for their medicinal properties. These exclude vegetables and other plants we consume for their caloric and nutritional content.
In cooking, herbs and spices are often used to flavor food. Whereas herbs are the flowering or leafy green parts of a plant and can be fresh or dried, spices are usually dried and come from seeds, roots, bark, and fruits. Here are a few examples of common cooking herbs, though there are many more: Parsley
Rosemary But we’re not interested in herbs for their culinary potential. We’re here to discuss their nootropic uses. Herbs have been used for their medicinal properties since prehistoric times. They contain a number of biologically-active compounds that can affect the body and the brain. Here are a few common medicinal herbs that you may have heard of: Chamomile Echinacea Saint John’s Wort Lavender Passionflower And some herbs can be powerful brain boosters. Now that we’ve taken a look at what herbs are, we can get to our list of the top 5 nootropic herbs. They’ve all been around for centuries and have lots of science to support their safety and effectiveness. 1. Ashwagandha This is one of the most-widely-used nootropic herbs. Ashwagandha is championed for its ability to reduce anxiety and […]
Easing End-of-Life Care With Shrooms
Key points Studies since 2016 show psilocybin alleviates anxiety, depression,