BGR logo Follow BGR on X Follow BGR on Google News Follow BGR on Instagram Subscribe to BGR on YouTube Like BGR on Facebook AI capable of resurrecting dead loved ones still sounds a bit too far, though, at least for me. However, I’m not going to fault anyone for wanting another chance to talk to their loved ones—even if it isn’t really their loved ones. Goodness knows we’ve been looking for ways to speak to the dead for centuries before now. This just seems like another evolutionary step in the process.
One such user told NPR that he doesn’t view the digital avatar of his mother as being alive or dead because that doesn’t matter. That particular user simply sees it as a way to talk to his mother again despite her being gone. The rise of these AI simulations has definitely drawn some ire from others, though. Especially from those in the general industry who are afraid of how AI might overthrow humanity . But there is one thing that AI cannot replicate. Sure, there might be AI capable of resurrecting dead loved ones, but it can’t capture their thoughts and their own experiences of events.
As such, the avatars you talk to will always be shells of the people they are imitating. Follow BGR on X Follow BGR on Google News Follow BGR on Instagram Subscribe to BGR on YouTube Like BGR on Facebook
These companies use AI to ‘resurrect’ your dead family members