nite thru sleep aid reviews Key Takeaways
> Ashwagandha: An Ayurvedic herb effective in reducing anxiety by lowering cortisol levels.
Bacopa Monnieri: An adaptogen useful for anxiety and improving memory consolidation during REM sleep.
Melatonin: A hormone aiding in sleep regulation, effective in improving sleep quality.
Magnesium: A vital mineral enhancing sleep quality, mood, and cognitive functions.
Valerian: is a GABA transaminase inhibitor which makes more efficient use of GABA already in your brain.
Have you ever put off making a decision on something until the following day? The seed of an idea was there. But you decided to “ sleep on it ”.
And the next morning, whatever it was you were contemplating, the solution was ‘ plain as day ’.
It turns out we have the science to explain this phenomena.Over a century of research has established the fact that sleep benefits memory . [i] There’s nothing quite like a full deep sleep. And waking refreshed the next day.We spend a third of our life sleeping. During that time between sunset and sunrise and while we sleep, our body recuperates and restores itself. Systems are repaired and prepared for the following day.And we now know that quality sleep is crucial for optimal memory consolidation. The best nootropic stack in the world will not work if you don’t get enough sleep .This post is about how sleep works in your body and brain. With a clear understanding on how sleep works, and the problems that arise without it, we dive into how to fix insomnia.And the safest way for better sleep and lucid dreams is selecting the right nootropic stack .Sleep is such an important part of our life and an optimized brain that a book could be written on this subject. And several have been written. This post distills all the important information down into usable nuggets.Use the Table of Contents to skip to the sections that interest you most. And come back for more detail later. How sleep works Sleep is critical for optimal cognition and well-being. Let’s take a couple of minutes to understand the actual […]

Health ministry mulls legalizing marijuana for medical use
The health ministry’s expert panel starts discussing revising the Cannabis