Aleksandr Zubkov / Getty Images Protein is a macronutrient that provides the amino acids your body needs to perform essential functions such as building new proteins, growing and regenerating muscle tissue, and producing hormones.1
Your protein needs depend on factors such as your body size, age, and activity levels, but most active people need between 1.2-2 grams per kilogram (g/kg) of protein per day (0.54-0.9 g/lb) to support optimal health.2
Eggs, meat, and fish are more obvious sources of protein, but a few foods and drinks are higher in protein than you might think. 1. Lentils
Bowl with preserved steamed small brown lentils close up Lentils are a go-to source of protein for those on plant-based diets. One cup of lentils provides 17.9 g of protein, which is more than what’s found in two large eggs.34
In addition to protein, lentils are high in fiber, an important nutrient for gut health . One cup of cooked lentils contains 15.6 g of fiber, which covers nearly 56% of the Daily Value (DV). Fiber helps keep your bowel movements regular and supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine.
Fiber and protein help you feel full after eating, so choosing foods high in these nutrients can help you feel more satiated, support weight loss, and prevent overeating.56 2. Peas
Peter Chadwick LRPS / Getty Images Peas are legumes that are rich in plant-based protein. One cup of cooked peas contains 8.58 g of protein. The same serving provides 8.8 g of fiber, making peas particularly filling.7
They’re also high in folate , a B vitamin that is especially important during pregnancy due to its role in fetal neurological development. One cup of cooked peas covers 16.83% and 25% of folate needs for pregnant and non-pregnant people, respectively.8 3. Hemp Seeds
Hemp seed in wooden spoons and oil on rustic wooden table Hemp seeds are the edible seeds of the Cannabis sativa L. plant . Though tiny, hemp seeds provide impressive nutrients, including protein. A one-ounce (oz) (0.25 cups) serving of hemp seeds contains 9.48 g of plant-based protein, making hemp seeds […]

Health ministry mulls legalizing marijuana for medical use
The health ministry’s expert panel starts discussing revising the Cannabis