Art therapy helps many veterans process their experiences, writes Navy veteran William Schranz. Amid the barbecues and beers, the Fourth of July is an important time to honor the men and women who serve and have served in America’s armed forces and whose contributions and sacrifices have paved the way for our freedoms.
As a veteran of the Navy, I know how far this recognition can go. I also know amid the celebrations, there are veterans struggling to assimilate and rebuild their lives post-service.
Thankfully, at the intersection of art and technology exists a bridge to help former servicemen and servicewomen build connections and forge relationships with other veterans who may be struggling too.
In 2016, after four years of service, I returned to Chicago feeling isolated. While in therapy, I was introduced to art therapy as a way to help process my experiences. As I turned to the canvas to begin the healing process, I learned another hard lesson: Just as many folks can’t understand the experience of a veteran, many can’t identify with their artwork. SEND LETTERS TO: To be considered for publication, letters must include your full name, your neighborhood or hometown and a phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be a maximum of approximately 375 words. This prompted me to launch the International Veteran Art Collective, an online community designed as a supportive space for veterans and allies to create art and build friendships. We encourage members to post their paintings, writings, performative dances, leatherwork, trauma art, fashion, drawings, welding, or any other expression. Veterans of all eras, countries and discharge statuses are welcome, as are their families and friends.
What started in Chicago with a few supportive members has grown into a global community of more than 1,000 veterans and allies. It’s a safe and nurturing space where veterans can be their authentic selves while getting year-round support from peers who identify with their experiences.
This is the power of technology to build communities, to connect individuals around shared experiences in a way that would otherwise be impossible.
So, while our lawmakers are in Washington working on […]

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