Parenting a child with ADHD is a unique experience. Here are a set of tips and strategies for parents to try when helping a child with ADHD.
Raising a child with ADHD can be challenging. Depending on the type and severity of your child’s symptoms, knowing the best way to establish rule-making and household routines can be difficult, and you may need to adopt unique approaches.
Behavioral modification aims to help your child consider the consequences of an action and learn to control the impulse to act on it. Approaching the task with empathy, patience, and consistency can help your child reach these goals.
Read on for strategies for parenting a child with ADHD. Decide which behaviors are acceptable to you and which are not
It’s important to teach your child that actions have consequences. Establishing rules and clear outcomes for following or disregarding these rules is essential. Try consistently following these principles or rules in each area of your child’s life — at home, in the classroom, and in the social arena.
You may accomplish this by using a points system. For example, allow your child to accrue points for good behavior that they can redeem for spending money, time in front of the TV, or a new video game.
Once you have a list of simple behavior goals or house rules, write them down and put them where they’re easy to see. Repetition and positive reinforcement can help your child better understand your rules.
It’s important to discuss these goals and expectations for your child with other caregivers and teachers to help ensure consistency in different settings and with different caregivers. Define the rules, but allow some flexibility
Rules must be simple and straightforward, and you could reward your child for following them. It’s important to consistently reward good behaviors and discourage destructive ones while allowing for some flexibility. Children with ADHD may not adapt as quickly to change. It’s good to allow your child to make mistakes as they learn. Behaviors that aren’t detrimental to your child or anyone else are a part of your child’s unique personality. It may […]
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