CU Anschutz. Failed Leadership. Nowhere to hide.
When you have failed leadership there is no where to hide…especially when the entire nation is watching you. and that’s exactly what we have in Aurora, Colorado at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus. Colorado University…as our blog has reported on over the last year…is now clearly visible to everyone nationwide.
where to start? Well lets keep it simple the vote is in nationally and the citizens of the state of Colorado and Washington state have voted to allow less than one ounce of possession of marijuana. The vote is legal no ifs, ands or butts! where does the CU Anschutz Medical Campus stand on your vote? No marijuana is not legal on CU Anschutz Medical Campus period! And the appointed leader of CU Anschutz Bruce Benson is on the wrong side of the issue and the will of the voters plain and simple!
As previously stated on the Anschutz medical Campus blog with the complete failure of diversified research funding and the dependency of federal funds for research to the tune of over 500 million dollars a year the CU Anschutz medical campus will not be in compliance with the vote of the people! So the passage of amendment 64 now law is being disregarded by CU Anschutz and its elected leadership. As I have stated for the last 20 years your vote is worthless! read it and weep.
After more than 130 years of not allowing guns on CU Anschutz campus the Colorado supreme court ruled in march 2012 concealed permit gun holders are allowed to carry guns on the CU Anschutz medical campus and Colorado university’s campus. However in an attempt to become a sovereign territory, selected individuals on the CU Anschutz medical campus are attempting to gain support to introduce a bill in 2013 in the Colorado legislature to get an exemption for the university’s campuses for concealed permit gun holders.
However, noteworthy recently a staff member who had a valid concealed carry permit accidently shot their handgun and wounded two individuals. There have been no problems with students concealed permit holders carrying guns, being drunk and disorderly the only reported hand gun problem has been with a CU Anschutz medical campus staff member who has since been placed on administrative leave.
Let’s move on to other relevant issue what about the firing of CU Anschutz coach John Embree?
After a 2 year stint paying a paltry substandard salary of $742K annually with a supporting record of 4-21 after 2 years CU Anschutz first black coach John Embree is say la vie! fired! period! Coach Embree needed more than 2 years to turn around a dismal franchise that lacked quality players and more experienced football players. This failed leadership maneuver left CU fans angry and disgruntled….Talk about agitating your paying customers…no integrity at Colorado University and alienating all potential future black football players.
Failed leadership on national display with over 30% of your players coming from out of state..know your brand..Nope not here at CU Anschutz Medical Campus. A complete disconnect from management and the national CU brand a poignant lesson for all current and future college students who do not understand exactly what brand management is all about!
Now with the nation watching, angry students paying substantial tuition dollars…over 30% of CU Anschutz students coming from out of state the national search is on for a replacement for coach Embree. And with failed CU Anschutz leadership trying to save face with the nation watching better call out the big guns….Elway, Manning and john fox reaching out to recruit potential Cincinnati coach Butch Jones…and better add substantial sweeteners to ice over your national mistake with a 5 year coaching agreement and a 13 million dollar salary to boot.
And what was saving recruit Butch Jones response to CU Anschutz? No thanks talk about a black eye in public view. As the national search continues to seek filling the coaching void at CU Anschutz let every current and prospective student, researcher, patient, donor witness a failed brand in action on the national stage…as each day passes it gets clearer to all individuals associated with the failed CU Anschutz Medical Campus brand!
Where exactly is CU Anschutz president Bruce Benson with all of this happening? on vacation…this is a direct disconnect from Anschutz leadership and the CU Anschutz brand….as the Anschutz medical campus blog has now stated for over a year the CU Anschutz medical campus Colorado university is a national failed brand plain and simple…
and now with the consistently documented failures there is no where to hide this fact all clearly documented on the Anschutz medical campus blog website with direct navigation so there will be no erasing or white washing these facts…
Disclaimer: Original article has been altered, adjusted and rewritten to reflect the changed concealed permit carry policy on CU Anschutz medical campus due to the Colorado supreme courts ruling in march 2012. article content is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed.